The king of Rhyme, Captain Ken Stuckey

The joy of Sailing

The joy of sailing can often vary
Sometimes mild and sometimes hairy
A lovely sail on a mild summer’s day
Is a joy to all, what else can I say?
But wind 30 knots on a 3 metre swell
Will test our sailors’ skill as well

Spinnakers up and our boats are fly’n
Heart rates up and I’m not lyin’
Eight boats out, all there to win
No quarter given that ain’t a sin!

When racings done and we’re back in the shed
We’ll all tell our war stories, at least in our head
With plenty of wine and a beer here and there
Stories a- plenty for us all to share

At the end of the day the legend of Oz
“The older I get
The braver I was”!!

Ode to the Yacht club

In Wollongong Harbour
There’s a sight to behold
A gaggle of yachts
Some big and some bold
All of them crewed by our gay girls and boys
Who come to the harbour to sail luxury toys
Some people are jealous and wish us bad luck
They don’t really notice, we don’t give a hoot
(I know that don’t rhyme, I’ll do better next time)
So come to the harbour with our happy lot
And enjoy all the best of our beautiful spot.

Ken loved sharing his experience of sailing with people and he provided me (Chris Hesketh) with a lot of support (and endless jokes) when I bought my first yacht, a Hunter 31. Picture of Ken (at the helm) and Don, sail to Cronulla with a stop off at Gibbon Bay, where there are public moorings.

Australia Day Regatta 2018

14 boats out for the Oz day regatta
The weather was ‘iffy’ but that didn’t matter
Two boats down from our friends in the ‘shire’
They sailed in a way that did surely inspire
Michael and Steve you were welcome for sure
Come back next year and please bring some more
Boss Ross and Fifi, well, what can you say?
Both sailed a blinder and won every day
Golden Era did well and came a good third
You got in amongst us and you really stirred
Three days of sailing with all our good mates
Made the Oz Day Regatta our years favourite date!

Autumn Race One

The day was wet, the water wild
One brave boat out, ole’ Adam’s child
Siena out with her Captain bold
And a stellar crew,(or so I’m told)
Maria and Steve, young Al and Bob
Brownies and cakes, ginger ale the job
A pleasant sail I do believe
No-one killed we’re all relieved
Adam will never be deterred
So this race it’s Siena
First, second and third!!!

Lady Skipper’s Race

The ladies were out in force today
All bright and ready to have their say
Down around the ole’ wave gen’
Then round about and do it again
Cleanskin with Carmen off like a shot
Maxine and Swell goin’ red hot
Sarah and Rikki and the old crippled cocks
Really out tryin’ to pull up their socks
The muffled maid on ole’ Merlot
Doin’ok tradin’blow for blow
Maria’s got Siena flyin’ after a start that had ‘em cryin’
Wolfy’s there with Jilly steerin’, she’s going hard so there’s no jeerin’
Kites a’flyin on the first run, all goin’ well so lotsa fun
Rikki on the last leg back got her ‘spin- knicker’ in a hack
A wonderful day was had by all and the ladies all reckoned The race was a ball!

Cap’n Bligh

Aaarrr! Me real name is Bob but they all call me Bligh
‘cause I sails me boat tight and I keeps ‘er up high
It’s tighten the mainsail and pull in the jib!
I shouts it out loudly, by God that’s no fib!
Me cry can be ‘eard with stentorian roaring
But all goes to ‘elp get me boat really soaring
Pirate Pete’s on the kite and he gets it up quick
‘E knows it’s ‘is friend and it’s his clever trick
‘E won’t want to get Cap’n Bligh’s bad aprobrium
For ‘E must get ole’ Swell at least on the podium!

Ocean Race 4    

A grey ole’ day and sure plenty breezy
Wind up to thirty, it wouldn’t be easy
Down to Bass Point where they load all the gravel
Thru seas that could make a small boat unravel
The keel boats all standing up on their ears
Reflexion and Cleanskin just sippin’ their beers
A gentleman’s way of ridin’ seas tough
That kind of sailin’ you can’t have enough
Merlot and Sylph punchin’ on through
Double D and Swell goin’ well too
A hard slog down but a quick run back
A great sail by everyone, no-one was slack

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